
Some people have received letters from the police about the raid in “Entenwerder” on sunday the 2. of July. If you receive a letter from the cops about the camp: Get in touch with us. Only so people can connect and organize against repression. You can find our mailaddress & pgp key under “contact” on this homepage.

For everything not camp related please contact the “EA” ( Ermittlungsausschuss) or “Rote Hilfe” they both will try to provide you as much support ( legal, financial, moral ) as possible.

Statement from the plenary of the anticapitalist Camp

The participants of the anticapitalist camp decided today (Tuesday, 4th of July) to not let police and courts keep bullying them any longer. We won’t accept the repressiv precautions, which the camp has had to endure since the first registration as political assambly no more! We will take down our tents and continue with our protest in different ways on different places.

The preparation group went through all levels of jurisdictions to get the camp set up. Our goal was to create a place of exchange, possibility to connect and recover for protesters as well as sleepingplaces and possibilitys for washing. Under these circumstances this is not possible at this place.

The federal constutional court in Karlsruhe said our camp is a declaration of political protest, the administrativ court Hamburg said  the same and explicitly allowd sleeping tents and infrastructure on the camp. Police disobeyd this rouling and brutaly attacked the camp on July 2nd in order to steel sleeping tents. This coup of the police against the juristisdiction and the support of the administration of Hamburg showed once again that political opposition against the rouling system is not possible on a legal way. We won’t ask for permission any longer, now we’re gonna take what we need!


We wont accapt and more the completly inacceptable bullying of the police, including walking through the camp all the times, holding up participants, food and press. We don’t want to wait and be reliant on the justice and hope for just a little better conditios.

We join in on the call of “wütende Gruppen des Widerstands against G20” and call for people to enforce a camp in hamburg. Squat all places and look for places where we can shape the protest on our own terms!

see you in the City!

the plenary of the Anticapitalist camp.


Update 4th of July

  • Everyone in Hamburg is discussing the unlawful police attac
  • politicians demand Grote (political leader of the police) to retire
  • police is still bullying people in the entenwerder parc. People are seached, filmed and they didnt allow cookies to be taken inside
  • People still keep working in the meadow and there are some workshops
  • Tonight we expect another court verdict. But who wants to trust the verdict when Grote and his police give a shit about it?
  • A lot of people dont belive in a big centralized camp anymore so they call for decentraliced squatting in the city
  • We can still connect you with a lot of nice people who offered there backyard or living rooms. So dont stay at home, come to Hamburg! Now more than ever
  • Sadly without a big camp we also get less donations from participants. We already got a lot of small and big donations between 10 and 5000€ which is great! thanks a lot! but we still need at least another 5000-10000€ to also pay our lawyer and courtcase (see: support us for information)
  • Newest information on Twitter:

Short update on the next day

Yesterday at some point police let us through, still insisting on no sleeping tents. Some tents were still built because police cant legally give other orders than court. So some hundreds robocops stormed the field, stole the tents, injuring several people, one had to go to the hospital.

People are still on the madow and need Support! Go there, help them!

Also we were offered private places for up to 1500 People so its save to come to Hamburg even if police keeps breaking the law.

Statement from the preparatory group of the Anticapitalist Camp (reffering to the events at 2nd July)

Yesterday (2nd July), the Administrative Court reaffirmed and strengthened the judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court. In last night’s verdict it was unambiguously stated that our meeting, including sleeping-kitchens, kitchens and toilets, is permitted on the area of ​​the Entenwerder Park. Despite this clear, judicial decision, we have been denied access to the area by the police since the morning. This means that the police are ignoring the basic principle of the division of powers. This is a political scandal! The Hamburg police prevented a registered, legally confirmed meeting and moves with their actions clearly in a space exempt of right! Regardless of what person of law we are or may represent, we must be able to rely on the fact that the police and the authorities abide to law. This is a coup attempt by the Hamburg police against the judiciary and is absolutely unacceptable. We call on all citizens of Hamburg and all other supporters to show themselves in solidarity with us and not to accept the unlawful behavior of the police. We are inviting everyone to attend our rally at the Entenwerder park to continue to demand our right to set up our camp there. This afternoon there was a so-called compromise offer from the assembly authorities. We were offered the unacceptable proposal to cover a fraction of the area – with no possibility of sleeping areas, kitchens or toilets. This proposal ignores the judgment of the Court, which clearly states that sleeping places and appropriate infrastructure are a necessary part of our rally. For these reasons, we cannot accept this proposal. Throughout the whole day, we were harassed by the police whereever possible. Trucks with rally materials and food were stopped and held up, tent pegs were attempted to be confiscated because of “dyke protection” and our info-wall was twice stolen by masked and helmeted units, apparently because someone had written “Dudde you toilet brush” on it. “Today’s events integrate seamlessly into the authority-exceeding behavior of the Hamburg police, which we have had to endure for weeks. However, the fact that the police are placing themselves above expressed legal judgments and therefore our rights marks a new stage of escalation” says Max, a camp participant.

Another update

The highest Court has decided our camp is a political assembly and therefor revoked last weeks ruling. The Police still has – as with any other political assembly – the right to put restriction in place or as a last resort prohibit the camp. We never have have lost and never will loose hope. We’ve placed 10 am as deadline for an same day appointment with the police about the realization of the camp. If they don’t hold the deadline and will still ignore us then we will assume there are no restriction and start to build the camp as planned.


Update on the court case

Yesterday the Court of appeal dicided, our camp is not a political assembly and revoked last week‘s ruling of the lower court.

The judges said the camp consisted mainly of things that are not part of political assemblies (tents, kitchen, toilets). It did not acnoledge the workshops, speeches, workshops and the main character of the camp as way to show and practis an alternative way of live.

Instead they ruled, the camp could still be an assembly without the infrastructure. It followed the logic of politican Andy Grote who said, protesters should sleep in hotels. People who don‘t have as much money and privileges as them just don‘t count – capitalism…

Also the court ignored the lower courts demand, that police should meet and talk with us (which has been our demand for months). Instead it just counted how much squaremeters are used by tents and how much are seen as assembly.

Außerdem ignoriert das OVG genauso wie die Versammlungsbehörde die klare Forderung des Verwaltungsgerichts nach einem Kooperationsgespräch. Statt wie von uns gefordert, in Gesprächen den Charakter des Camps zu klären, rechnet es den Flächenbedarf von versammlungsrelevanten und nicht versammlungsrelevanten Elementen gegeneinander auf.

Everyone who already planed to come to Hamburg this monday to help us construct the camp should still come! Instead of starting the building, we want to demonstrate on both monday and tuesday against the verdict. Also there‘s still a lot to do. We‘re still planning the camp, of course, and still need your support!

Everyone who wants to stay over night is wellcome to, we‘re organizing places for you to sleep. If possible tell us, how many places you need and if you‘re bringing tents. Just write an email to:!

See you soon!

Camp building

we will start building the camp on monday the 26.6. We need a lot of people, so come and join us early enough!

The situation right now – an update about the legal situation

Things are moving fast in hamburg, the g20 summit is coming closer and the police & other officials are trying everything to prevent the protest from happening. Over the last couple of weeks we have spent most of our time preparing, building and fighting (legal) battles with the authorities

This text should give you a brief summary of the court cases and how the authorities are trying to limit protest – at any cost.

First things first: So far we have won both of the cases and we‘re very optimistic that we‘re going to win the objection too.

Case 1 – the camp as a political assembly

The city of Hamburg is trying to deny us the nature as a political assembly. By German law a political assembly generally has the freedom of assembly when- and wherever wished. Which means the police doesn‘t need to approve the camp but needs to give valid reason to prohibit it.

By denying the nature of the camp as a political assembly we would be bound to the same rules as an open air concert which needs to be confirmed.

The first court ruled that our camp in fact is a political assembly and the administrative authority has to treat us according to their own rules.

As expected the administrative authority objected. If we win the objection, we have won the case. If we don‘t then we can and will go to the supreme court and beyond

We expect the verdict by the end of this week.

Case 2 – the blue zone

Just one day after the court declared us as a political assembly the police published a so called „Allgemeinverfügung“ ( general ruling) which ruled that in a 38 km² area all political assemblies will be prohibited from Friday July 7th 7am until Saturday July 8th , 5 pm . Our camp is part of this so called ‘blue zone‘. So we went to court against this blue zone – and yesterday we won again.

Although the verdict was a resounding slap for the administrative authority they objected again.

It‘s the same as above: If we win we‘re done and if not we‘ll have to go to supreme court and beyond.

The why

If we win both cases – which we all expect – they will be looking for new obstacles that can be pushed in our way.

The reason for this is – and it‘s important to bring this to mind again and again – they want to prevent criticism of their capitalist bullshit. They want to stop all of us from coming to hamburg.

Are we going to let this happen? Are we going to let them intimidate us?


So join us at the last preparation meeting on sunday or with the construction of the camt that is already starting on monday the 26th at 9ám. If anything changes we will inform you on our homepage.


Status update

Just a short update on the legal status of the camp, sorry for the few english information in the past, we’re way to busy…

  • we registered the camp as a political demonstration at the polices because in our opinion the camp itself is a political expression
  • the police which is responsible for demonstrations didn’t act and said they were not responsable and we should ask the district for permission, even though you dont need a permission for demonstrations
  • so we went to court
  • the court ruled that we are in fact a demonstration and that police is responsable
  • but it also said that police still can prohibit or restrict the camp as it can with all demonstrations
  • the Police is going to the next higher court, a decision is expeced soon, maybe end of this week, but we are optimistic
  • also there is a general restiction that prohibits all demonstrations in an area from centralstation to airport to the messhalls, so including our camp area. This restriction is valid on Friday and Saturday during the summit
  • but already groups are going to court against it and think they can stop it.

so we still have no clear confirmation that the camp can happen as we want it but we are still working on it and keep you updated.

We need your support!

The preparations for the various forms of protest and actions are running at full blast. This includes the planning of a protest camp.

Our plan is to build an anti-capitalist camp, which welcomes people from diverse backgrounds -racists, sexists and other assholes obviously excluded. Our decision making processes will be emancipatory and radically democratic. The camp can only function through the participation of everyone.

But in order to start the whole thing we do need money – however stupid, even those fighting against capitalism are subjected to the rules of the capitalist system…

Hence, our call to you to support us, whether you are looking forward to the camp yourselves or whether you want to provide for your allies:

  • organise solidarity concerts, parties, pub nights
  • organise money from organisations connected to you, the ever-resting, unused money of the solidarity bank account
  • organise a barrio to a topic you are interested in
    or help us by providing equipment as tents, technical equipment, cars etc. and even small stuff in the line of outdoor tables, fabric for protest banners and more are wanted.

We are looking forward to your support!

Contact us at info-g20camp[at]
or donate to

Jugend in der Welt e.V.
IBAN: DE14 6225 0030 0001 8117 31 | BIC: SOLADESISHA
key word: “Camp” (important!)

An english version of the press statement will be available soon.